Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Graphic Novel Response: The Invention of Hugo Cabret

When we first began studying and looking at graphic novels I was a bit skeptical. I really was able to see the value in almost every genre we have studied right when they were introduced. This genre was a bit more of just pictures in my mind. After reading The Invention of Hugo Cabret I really was able to see how powerful these books can be. I thought the story was magical and had me interested the entire time. I think this book would be great for all students but would be very appropriate for any students that just had a parent or more specifically a father die. I just think the love that Hugo has for his father and the lengths he goes to to work on the automaton his father was working on when he died. This book is also great for middle school students because it is a book about a boy their age. I say this a lot but students find books more interesting when the main character is someone they can identify with. I think Hugo is an adventurous boy that many student's can relate to. Of course I also have to comment about the pictures throughout the novel. I thought the haunting black and white pictures were beautiful. They really helped set up the mood of the book and were so interesting to look at. They really added to the story and really kept me interested in the book. I really enjoyed reading this book and cannot wait to watch the movie now. I would absolutely use this book in my classroom. I feel as though students would love it and would really find it different from many of the books they are reading right in school. 


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