Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Historical Fiction or Fictionalized History?

I thought this article was something interesting to add to our study of historical fiction. Some of the points that the article brought up were things that I had never considered when reading historical fiction before. The section about the accuracy really interested me because I really have never noticed any of the things they talked about before. I thought the section where they talked about having to change out words in a novel because they did not exist in that time period. Those are struggles that writers of this genre need to overcome and think about while writing. This article really had me thinking if I would be able to write something similar to historical fiction. It also had me thinking of why students in my future classroom might be drawn to this genre. The article mentioned that young adults like these books because of the strong main characters that stand out and speak up. I think this is such a great thing that kids enjoy characters such as this because it shows that they admire that quality. This helped me understand a little more deep knowledge about historical fiction.

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