Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Picture Books

I really enjoyed picking out three picture books to share with the class. I had no idea how many picture books there are out there for middle grades students. The librarian in Aderhold helped me pick out my books and I got books that related to science, weather, and poems.

Hurricanes! by Gail Gibbons:
This picture book is very informative. It really surprised me that it needed such a high level of comprehension to understand. The book begins by tell the reader exactly what Hurricanes are and then tells the history of some of the most famous Hurricanes. It explains all the categories of the Hurricanes and explains what happens at each of them. I love the way the book ends with how to keep yourself safe if you are in a Hurricane. The book was beautifully illustrated and really seemed like it would keep students attention.

A Butterfly Is Patient by Dianna Hutts Aston and Sylvia Long:
This picture book tells students anything they can possibly wonder or need to learn about butterflies. I was really shocked at how much information was in this book and how useful all the facts were. If students in a science class were studying butterflies this picture book would be great. I really think this shows me how useful these books are in the classroom and they are not just pretty to look at.

Color me a Rhyme by Jane Yolen:
I really enjoyed reading and looking at this picture book. It was a compilation of poems categorized by colors about nature. I really think this would interest students because it shows all different styles of poetry. This seemed like what I thought of when I pictured what a picture book was comprised of. I think this would be a great book for students to read that were interested in nature or to learn poetry in language arts. I love books that teach a lesson but also would be an interesting read on their own.     

1 comment:

  1. Excellent choices...I'm glad you picked the two informational books. Both of these are excellent texts that are packed with information. Great to build background knowledge or even for pleasure reading about topics of interest
